Add to our Collection

Do you have artifacts or archival material that is related to the history of Raymond? We work hard to try to ensure the history or Raymond is preserved for future generations. Please consider submitting items and stories that help us preserve these things. We can receiveĀ material in the following ways:

  • Email
  • Uploaded
  • Fillable form
  • Mail
  • In person


You can send files and stories through email to


You can upload files directly through our website.

Submit a form

To share a story about people, places or events in the history of Raymond, please fill out this form.


If you like to send original documents, photographs or artifacts, mail them to:

Raymond & District Historic Society
Box 1151
Raymond, ABĀ  T0K 2S0

In person

Please don’t drop off material outside of the Museum when we’re closed. The risk of damage or loss is very high. Please see our open hours for information about when and where you can drop off material.